Wednesday, September 10, 2014

invalid link type for system entity cascading actions : Solution import error code 0x80044155

The root cause of this issue is  Dynamics CRM SP 1 upgrade of Target Environment before the upgrade of the source.
Details of the issue:
Some relationships are not customizable. Microsoft changed/upgraded one part of OOTB( Out Of The Box) relationship as part of recent  CRM 2013 SP1upgrade. The solution is taken prior to this upgrade  in my Development Environment. My Production environment has been upgraded.  This OOTB relationship (lead_qualifying_opportunity) is between Opportunity and Lead. Both of this entities are OOTB. The relationship is also OOTB. Any 1xn relationship has six(6) OOTB   actions. Actions represent what  user do on primary and related entity records altogether. The changed part in the Microsoft recent upgrade here is the assign action on this particular relationship between opportunity and Lead. It is highlighted in red below table.
The relationship  Behavior = System  => all actions will be defined internally by MSDynCRM and cannot be configured nor altered
Relationship name = lead_qualifying_opportunity
Type of relationship = system entity –to-system entity => Lead and Opportunity are OOTB System entities and the relationship itself is OOTB.
Type of relationship = 1:N =>  1 Opportunity  : N Lead
My Development EnvironmentQA  6.1.0.xxxx
My Production Environment
6.1.1.yyy ( CRM2013 SP1)
1. Assign
Cascade All
Cascade None
2. Share
Cascade None
Cascade None
3. Unshare
Cascade None
Cascade None
4 Reparent
Cascade None
Cascade None
5 Delete
Remove Link
Remove Link
6 Merge
Cascade All
Cascade All

Resolution  : Change the original Solution’s lead_qualifying_opportunity relationship to be similar to the Microsoft upgraded version so that there is no conflict in importing.
Step 1: Copy the original Solution to new folder
Step 2: Extract (Unzipped) the newly copied solution file
Step 3: Open Customization.xml
step 4: Edit the  relationship section by searching lead_qualifying_opportunity then change the action that need to be changed
Before change:      Cascade
After change     NoCascade

here is the original and changed snippet

Step 5: Save and close
Step 6 : Zip with same name as the original solution file
Step 7: Import and publish All.
Hope it will save your time, Thanks for reading...
Cloud XRM is the New CRM

1 comment:

  1. Great Post!! Really an informative post about Free CRM Software. Thanks for sharing this with us.
